Speaking & Workshops
Are You Getting What You Need? Developing Healthy Networks that Thrive
This workshop will share practical tips to help you develop a network to help you not only thrive but move forward in your career. We will also discuss the three important people needed in your network.
Upon completion of the workshop students will have a visual diagram that identifies people in their network to provide a range of support, they will understand their main communication styles, and have an action plan to move forward in developing their network.
Dr. Talley played a significant role in the completion of my dissertation. She helped me during my final months in graduate school where I learned how to better navigate the challenges I encountered with writing and time management.
Dissertation Coaching Client
Dr. Talley connected with others by sharing her professional and personal experiences through her presentation. She is extremely knowledgeable about mentoring. She is an awesome leader and public speaker. The information she provided will make me a better mentor.
Workshop Participant
Navigating the PhD Journey to the Phinishline: Strategies to Get Hooded
This workshop is for first year PhD candidates. We discuss the top five 5 strategies that will help you finish your doctoral degree. A bonus includes extra tips that will be helpful during the doctoral process.
Upon completion of the workshop students will (1) have a greater awareness on how to adapt to changes quickly during their doctoral studies,(2) They will also have tools to navigate peer, advisor, and dissertation committee relationships, and (3) The steps to develop a network and timeline that aligns with their values.
The workshop that Dr. Talley presented was so helpful. It was encouraging to let me know that it is possible to finish my PhD.
Workshop Participant
Dr. Talley’s workshop helped me become more aware of my accountability going forward. She shared many useful tools that I look forward to utilizing.
Workshop Participant
Early Career Faculty Webinar Series: From Surviving to Thriving on Tenure Track
This three part workshop series will provide tips and information on how to survive being a new faculty member at your institution for the first three years.
These tips will help you to prepare a successful third year review and feel confident in finishing out for tenure.
Apply lessons learned during your first year on tenure track.
Have a basic framework to create a research plan.
Have a plan to balance teaching and research.
Book a Workshop
Any of these workshops can be customized to fit the needs of your students or group.
Contact me by filling out the form below to discuss customization options such as the audience, theme, and length of time.